Has Depression Made It Hard For You To Enjoy Life?
Do you feel like you’re suffering in silence?
Are you going about your days with a smile on your face, but inside, you feel sad and heavy?
Maybe you’re coping with a loss, a breakup, or another major-life transition.
Perhaps it seems like your entire world has been thrown off-balance, and you find it hard to concentrate on life’s demands.
Or maybe you’re not sure what the root of your malaise is—you just feel like you’re in a creative rut.
Nothing inspires you or piques your interest anymore, but you don’t know why.
Depression isn’t always easy to recognize, as it affects different people in different ways.
You may be experiencing low energy levels, a lack of pleasure, or constant brain fog.
Maybe you struggle with disrupted sleep patterns, sleeping too much or waking up at random times.
Or perhaps you feel angry or irritable all the time, like you’re on a short fuse with everyone.
Because depression manifests itself in such diverse ways, it’s often mistaken for laziness, anger problems, or an inability to concentrate.

Regardless of the signs and symptoms, depression makes getting through day-to-day life arduous and painstaking.
If you’d like to renew your sense of joy and conquer your creative frustration, we encourage you to contact us.
By working together, we can help you overcome depression and improve your emotional resilience for years to come.
Depression Comes In All Shapes And Sizes
Depression is confusing. It can be hereditary, biological, or trauma-based. It can come about as a result of situational grief, an underlying medical condition, or even a side effect of medication.
Regardless of where your depression comes from, however, the most important thing to know is whether it’s transitory or chronic.
If it goes away after short-lived period of time, it’s a sign that it might be transitory. If it’s affecting your ability to enjoy life or function on a day-to-day level, you may be struggling with chronic depression.
Although there are more treatment options than ever before, we live in a workaholic culture where many people feel shamed for dealing with depression.
They are often told to suck up their feelings and pull themselves up by the bootstraps—as if depression can be resolved through willpower alone. What’s more, our country has a long history of systemic oppression and racial injustice, which means that many people have to reckon with intergenerational trauma inherited from their forebearers.
This only compounds the suffering that people with depression face.
When you’re in the tundra of depression, it has a way of distorting the way you view yourself and the world.
And despite what our individualistic culture may tell you, it isn’t always possible to overcome depression alone.
Social engagement is an antidote to depression, especially if it involves working with a professional.
Whatever you are going through, Depression treatment gives you a chance to see the world with greater clarity and a fresher perspective.
Therapy Can Help You Stay Balanced In The Throes Of Depression
It’s hard to talk about depression, and it’s hard to find someone who can really empathize with what you’re going through. Here in depression counseling, you have the chance to share parts of yourself and your story that you wouldn’t share with others.
We will bear witness to your pain and validate it.
Instead of merely telling you how to feel, we want to empower you to find solutions in your own life and adopt new ways of seeing the world.
The intake process is very relaxed and straightforward. Our goal is to get to know you and explore your history of mental health. This is a time to identify if there is any unresolved grief or trauma in your life, as past stressors often contribute to depression unconsciously. We want to uncover the connection between the negative thoughts you’re dealing with now and the underlying events or causes.That said, we’re not going to spend all of our time dwelling on the past.
We want to help you find peace in the present.
That’s why mindfulness therapy is integral to our approach; it helps relax the body and stabilize the emotions. We use breathwork, meditation, and other calming techniques to help you stay centered and grounded when you’re stressed.
For those whose depression is connected to trauma, we may utilize Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. After all, depression often stems from misfiled thoughts, feelings, and memories regarding past experiences. The goal of EMDR therapy is to identify the misfiled parts and store them in their proper place. This approach can also help with grief since it helps soften the trauma connected to losing a loved one.
If you’re dealing with depression, we know what an uphill climb it can be.
We want you to know that you’re resilient already. Our goal is to help you bolster your resilience in ways you never dreamed. It’s hard to see clearly or stay balanced in the throes of depression, but with help and support, we are confident that you can find peace in the midst of life’s storms.

You may have some questions about depression treatment...
If I’m not suicidal, why should I go to therapy?
You don’t have to be feeling suicidal to benefit from therapy. Besides, even if you feel like your depression isn’t that bad, leaving it untreated could lead to worsening symptoms down the road. That’s why it’s important to take proactive measures. Going to depression counseling can provide long-lasting relief and cultivate self-growth for years to come.
Will I have to go on medication?
As therapists, we do not prescribe medication. That said, sometimes medication helps you to feel motivated and refreshed enough to do the therapeutic work more effectively. It can help establish a baseline of sound mental health, ensuring that the healing process goes smoothly and peacefully. If you’re interested in pursuing pharmaceutical interventions, we can recommend you to a psychiatrist or physician.
How long will therapy take?
The duration of therapy depends on the severity of your symptoms as well as the practicality of your goals. For people who want short-term relief, therapy may only take a month or two. For those who want more lasting change, long-term counseling may be a wiser option.
Learn To Stay Strong In The Tundra Of Depression
If you’re tired of suffering in silence and you wish you had someone you could talk with about depression, we’d be honored to help.
Working together, we can equip you with the knowledge and resources to conquer your symptoms and move forward in life.

To connect with a depression therapist you can call us or email us.