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Erica L. Wilcox, LPC
4 min read
How EMDR Can Provide Relief for Working Parents: A Therapeutic Perspective
Being a working parent comes with its own set of challenges and stresses. Juggling the demands of a career while also attending to the...
Erica L. Wilcox, LPC
4 min read
The Ties That Bind: Why We People Please and How Childhood Shape Our Choices
In the intricate dance of human connections, our inclination to please others often begins in the earliest chapters of our lives. What...
Erica L. Wilcox, LPC
3 min read
Unleashing Resilience: EMDR and the Healing Journey of Endurance Athletes
In the world of endurance sports, where athletes push their physical and mental limits, a profound intersection with trauma recovery...
Erica L. Wilcox, LPC
5 min read
Releasing Perfectionism and Simplifying the Holidays: Unpacking Roots in Childhood Trauma
As the holiday season makes it way in, the air is filled with anticipation, festivities, and the often unspoken pressure to create the...
Erica L. Wilcox, LPC
4 min read
Navigating Holiday Trauma Triggers: A Starter's Guide to Inner Child Healing
The holiday season is hopefully filled with joy and festivities. The reality is that it can be a very challenging time for those...
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